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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Conductor fails to upgrade software if BIOS (CMOS) battery dead


After running an upgrade process and rebooting Conductor, it's still running the previous version (i.e. attempted to upgrade to 3.0.2 from 3.0.1, but still running 3.0.1 after). How do I resolve this? Should I re-image instead?

Explanation of Issue & Solution

Assuming the upgrade stick was made following instructions in How to create a Conductor upgrade stick in UpdaterAtor, and the upgrade instructions are being followed within the Conductor release note, one likely cause of the failure is the BIOS (CMOS) battery is dead and the date/time is grossly incorrect, such as if it's in January 2001. Certain parts of the upgrade process require the date/time of the unit to be after the date of the upgrade files.

The workaround to get a successful upgrade is to change the date and time to the current accurate time, and restart the upgrade process. It is also recommended that the BIOS battery be replaced to ensure Conductor maintains a more accurate time.

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