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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Updating ACN/DMX Gateway from Version 6.0.0 or Earlier


My ACN/DMX gateway is having a hard time updating from version 6.0.0 or earlier to the latest version.

Description/Explanation of Issue

There are pieces of code in ACN/DMX gateway version 6.0.1 that resolve issues from previous versions that also help the data transfer from the older version to the newer versions. You should update the gateway to v6.0.1 first then proceed to update to the latest version.


  1. Run UpdaterAtor on a computer with an internet connection.
  2. Navigate to 'Setup Versions', select the gateway, and choose to download v6.0.1.
    1. If you are going to use UpdaterAtor on a console to perform the actual update, choose 'Save for Console' and update UpdaterAtor on the console.
    2. If you are going to use UpdaterAtor on the same computer to update the gateway, you will need to relaunch UpdaterAtor and choose the network option that includes the gateway.
  3. Update the gateway to version 6.0.1 via UpdaterAtor.
  4. Repeat these steps with the latest version of the gateway software.
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