The information below is for historical reference. The config will only be backed up if it must be wiped during the update process. When updating from 2.x or newer, the update process generally will not wipe the config, so no backup is generated.
When updating CEM+, UpdaterAtor automatically backs up the current system configuration. It will generate the following files:
- GxRy_Arch.xml
- GxRy_Panic.xml
- GxRy_Preset.xml
- GxRy_Sensor.xml
where x and y are Group and Rack numbers, respectively. For Group 1, Rack 1, it will generate G01R01_Arch.xml, and so on.
These files will be generated in the directory C:\Users\Username\Documents\ETC Backups\yyyyMMdd-hhmmss
(for example, a folder generated May 11, 2022 at exactly 12:54pm would be titled 20220511-125400.)
These files can then be loaded to the CEM+ via SensorConnect or imported into Concert.