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How to Load a Saved Configuration via the webUI
- Last updated
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Update using the webUI:
- Plug your PC into the network the CEM+ rack(s) reside on, and make sure your PC is in the same IP scheme as the racks.
- Open Internet Explorer, and make sure you've put the IP of the rack into compatibility settings.
- Login using the info below:
- username:
- password:
- Click on Configuration on the left side of the screen, then click on "Upload Files"
- If the software is old enough, you may not have an "Upload Files" button, in this case go to
https://[IP Address]/down.htm
- Click the Browse button and navigate to your saved
configuration and then choose the install option.
- Once completed the rack will be loaded with the new configuration.
What if I cannot access the webUI/login?
- Double check compatibility settings as listed above in step 2.
- If this still doesn't work, consider uploading the file directly using http://[IP Address]/down.htm
- Choose "Browse" and navigate to your saved sensor.rak file. Install.