It is possible to update many devices via Updaterator running on an Eos Family or Cobalt Family console.
Updates can be pushed easily through the network and out to Net3 Gateways for devices that can be updated via the DMX Ports.
If you wish to update your devices via the local DMX ports on your console we recommend your I/O card firmware be updated to 1.4.1 or higher. Some devices can be updated used I/O firmware v1.3, while others cannot. Congo consoles (I/O v1.6.0) cannot be used to update external devices.
Eos Family consoles were able to update their I/O cards to v1.4.1 starting at Eos Family Software Version 2.3.0. Once the console has been updated to 2.3.0 or higher the I/O Firmware can be updated via the “Maintenance” section of the ECU.
Cobalt Family Consoles were able to update their I/O cards to v1.4.1 starting at Cobalt Family Software version 7.2. Once the console has been update to 7.2 or higher the I/O Firmware can be updated via the “Update” section of System Settings.
Congo Jr and Kid consoles running version 6.4.1 and higher may have the v1.3 I/O firmware on their I/O cards and may be able to update some devices.
NOTE: if your console does not have a "phone remote" port near the DMX ports, an I/O firmware update is not required unless requested by your console on startup. The version numbers will also be different than mentioned in this post.
For information on how to get the firmware onto your console, please see Installing device software and firmware in UpdaterAtor on a Console