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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Startup Macro, using multiple macros in Hog software


The Hog software only allows for one Start Up Macro to be entered.

Description/Explanation of Issue

To have more then one Startup Macro, use a cuelist with the macros entered into an empty cue, or cues.

Play the list as the Startup Macro and the list will play all of the macros.


  1. Create a cuelist with an empty cue or cues, and enter the comment macros in the cue.
  2. To record an empty cue, have the Programmer window empty such as pressing Clear, then record as normal, Record->Choose.
  3. Having the Go Cuelist macro as the Startup Macro will play multiple macros.
  4. The macros can be put into one cue, or spread across multiple cues if time is needed between them. Use the Wait time to delay the different cues/macros
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