Applies to: SolaFrame 1000, SolaFrame 3000 & SolaSpot 3000
The prism assembly is a clip in system that does not require screws to mount. If the prism homing fails, you must check focus, zoom, prism rotate and prism functions to determine the cause of the error.
If the prism has completely come out of the holder:
The following errors will occur: Prism, Prism Rotate, Focus, Zoom, Frost
Why does it not just say Prism Error?
The error occurs when the homing magnet located on the prism does not find the sensor.
This can happen for a number of reasons such as:
Prism has fallen out
Focus is colliding with zoom
Zoom lens collides into prism
Prism rotate motor is fighting prism motion
Prism motor cannot pull the prism into the right location