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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Paradigm Log Files

Paradigm Log Files are often requested by ETC Technical Services to help troubleshoot issues within a Paradigm system. See the links below for instructions on saving logs:
How to Save Logs from a Paradigm Architectural Control Processor (P-ACP)
How to Save Logs from a Paradigm Central Control Server (P-CCS)

Paradigm Log Files are typically saved to a filename of the format Paradigm_log#.tar.gz.  The number matches the processor number of the P-ACP generating the log archive. Paradigm Server logs are often saved as the filename log.tar.gz.

Logs are great at helping sleuth through problems, but they aren't always a silver bullet to every answer. When sending in logs it is best to send logs from the affected Processor, and in a multi-Processor system send in logs from a non-affected Processor as well. In a Server system also include logs from the P-CCS. Always send in the configuration (PCF for non-Server systems, and SPCF for Server systems) along with the logs, as that often helps fill in blanks that can't be gleaned from looking at logs on their own.

Below is a typical, but non-comprehensive, list of the main things we track and do not track in logs.

Info we track:
  • ACN leave/join messages (only in 4.2.2 and higher)
  • Actions:
    • Group control (only in 2.1.0 through 3.1.2)
    • Macro on/off
    • Mosaic Start/Release Timeline (2.1.0 and higher)
    • Off
    • Override enable/disable
    • Preset activate, deactivate, and record (snapshot) including which space(s) it occurs
    • Sequence start/stop
    • Serial and PSAP string input on UDP, RS-232, and ACN
    • Space Flick Warn
    • Step label with log
    • Timed event execution
  • Astro clock sunrise/sunset times
  • BACnet initialization
  • BACnet point interactions (only in 2.0.1 through 4.2.4)
  • Clear Arch Output (P-ACP only)
  • Configuration uploads
  • Daylight Saving Time changes
  • DMX acquisition and loss
  • DRd dimming configuration during a reboot or config uploads
  • DRd rack communication issues
  • Echo Expansion Bridge (EEB) online/offline messages
  • Echo interactions with EEB:
    • Preset activate, deactivate, and record (snapshot)
    • Space Off
    • Space combine / uncombine
    • Space lockout
  • Failures to execute overridden actions
  • Integrity checker errors (config corruption, P-CCS only)
  • LightDesigner entering/exiting Live Control or Live Edit, and from which IP address
  • LightDesigner session discovery including session name/IP address
  • Nightly log (2.1.2 and higher):
    • Paradigm application software version
    • UBoot, Kernel, and co-processor firmware versions
    • DRd rack firmware version numbers
    • 0-10v (FLO) and DALI option card versions
    • Date/time processor last booted (in UTC+00:00)
    • Uptime
  • P-ACP contact I/O open/close
  • P-ACP facepanel interactions (but not what menu options are being selected)
  • Panic (Emergency) Changes (P-ACP in DRd only)
  • Power change events
  • Processor (ERn or DRd) and Server lost/discovered messages
  • Processor or Server reboots / application restarts (but not necessarily why)
  • sACN source acquisition/loss (including source CID)
  • Serial Number (P-ACP only on boot or power change events)
  • Stations binding and unbinding (both LON and Ethernet)
  • Station button presses (Heritage only)
  • Station connectivity issues
  • UHCI contact open/close
  • USB mount/unmount messages
  • UTC Offset in a system
Info we do not track:
  • BACnet point interactions (in 4.2.6 and higher)
  • Channel level changes (regardless of the cause)
  • Demand Response actions
  • Fader movements on any station
  • Group Control (except in 2.1.0 through 3.1.2)
  • Inspire Station button presses
  • Mastering actions (Channel, Group, or Space)
  • Mosaic actions other than Start/Release Timeline
  • Occupancy sensor state
  • Outgoing PSAP triggers (unless enabled on a per-script basis in Developer mode for troubleshooting purposes)
  • Paradigm configs are not saved with the logs
  • Raise / Lower actions (Channel, Group, or Space)
    • (except Group Raise / Lower in 2.1.0 through 3.1.2)
  • Responsive Controls interactions (P-OCC, P-LS, P-DOC)
  • Station Lockout / Visibility current levels or changes of these levels
  • Touchscreen button presses or fader interactions (Ethernet or LON)
  • Wall open/close and current state


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