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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Windows Version Compatibility for Universal Wings

Universal Wings

There are two hardware versions of the 2x10 and 2x20 Universal Wings. Both versions of Universal Wings work with both Windows XP and Windows 7 through the USB port, but only the most recent version of the hardware is able to be docked with a Windows 7 Ion console.

To identify which version of hardware is in the Universal Wing, look at the USB port of the wing.

2x10 and 2x20 Universal Wings (Windows XP)

Windows XP Only using console wing docks. Windows XP and Windows 7 using USB

Pictured: 2x20 Universal Fader Wing. The 2x10 Wing has the same power jack and USB port, but is labeled "Fader Wing"

Universal Wings with a black USB port is Windows XP-only using the wing docks
(Not pictured) Universal Wings with a red-orange USB port is Windows XP-only. This version is uncommon, but can cause confusion with Windows 7-compatible Universal Wings


2x10 and 2x20 Universal Wings (Windows XP and Windows 7 Ready)

Pictured: 2x20 Universal Fader Wing. The 2x10 Wing has the same power jack, LEDs, and USB port, but is labeled "Fader Wing"

Universal Wings with a red USB port is Windows 7-compatible. There are also two LEDs on the back of the wing between the power jack and USB port for USB connection indication and power supply indication


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