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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Setting up a Loaner Eos Family Console

Thank you for taking advantage of ETC's loaner program. The steps below will guide you through setting up your new loaner and prepping your unit to ship for repair. If you run into any issues while following the setup process, please contact ETC Technical Services and hold off on sending your unit in (providing it's still functional enough to get by) until we can resolve the issue.

Matching Versions

If your console is part of a multi-console system with backups and/or clients, the software and fixture library versions of the loaner will need to match your console exactly. While ETC will always do our best to send loaners with the correct versions loaded, it's still important to verify and make sure this information matches between the two consoles. For help finding your console's version follow the steps in this article.

Transferring Data

Your data is your responsibility; ETC will not be held liable for loss or corruption of show data incurred during the repair process. In addition, once your console has been sent to ETC, it can be difficult or impossible to save your show data and send it to you.

As such, it is imperative that you back up your data according to the instructions in this article before sending your console in for repair. Likewise, please make sure to retrieve any data you need from your loaner before returning it to ETC. 

Even if you have a copy of your showfile saved elsewhere, we still recommend going through the full backup and restore process when possible, as doing so will ensure all of you console's settings get transferred, not just show data.

Consoles in the Eos Family

_eos.pngEos _element.pngElement _ion.pngIon _gio.pngGio _gio5.pngGio @5 _ti.pngEos Ti _puck.pngETCnomad Puck
_element2.pngElement 2 _xe.pngIon Xe _xe20.pngIon Xe 20 _apex5.pngApex 5 _apex10.pngApex 10 _apex20.pngApex 20 _rvi.pngRPUs and RVIs

What Not to Send

Please only send the console itself in for repair. Unless instructed otherwise by tech support, do not send in the following items:

  • fader wings
  • power cables
  • USB mouse/keyboard
  • monitors
  • any other peripheral devices or accessories
Important-Icon.png It is especially important to keep your power cables, as ETC does not provide these with loaners unless deemed necessary in the process of troubleshooting.

Shipping Your Unit for Repair

Once you've followed the instructions to set up your loaner and are satisfied that it's working, pack up your unit in the box the loaner came in. Please send only the items on the repair order; unless instructed otherwise, do not send in any accessories, cables, or peripherals. If you do not have the appropriate packing material, contact ETC Technical Services.

Please ship to:

ETC, Inc
ATTN: RMA# <your RMA number>
3031 N Pleasant View Rd
Middleton, WI 53562 

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