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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Channel Attributes display in Express consoles

The Channel Attribute display shows the following settings for every console channel.

  • Independent
    Designates whether a channel is dependent upon or independent of Grandmaster, Flash, Release, Solo, and Blackout control. Indepen- dent channels have a “y” in the Ind field, while all others have no en- try in the Ind field. You must press [Rel] twice, or in some cases, three times to release independent channels.
  • Flip
    Means that the channel’s output is reversed. A flipped channel’s DMX output is at full when the channel is set to zero and at zero when the channel is set to full. In this display, a flipped channel is identified with a “y” in the Flip field, while unflipped channels have no entry in the Flip field.
  • 16-bit
    Designates whether a channel is used for 8-bit or 16-bit data. For 8-bit data, there is no entry in the 16b field. For 16-bit data, the 16b field can have a “Hi” or a “Lo” label signifying whether the channel sends the higher or lower bits of a 16-bit control signal.
  • LTP
    Designates whether a channel obeys the Highest Takes Precedence (HTP) or the Latest Takes Precedence (LTP) convention. HTP chan- nels have no entry in the LTP field of the display, while LTP channels are identified by a “y” in the LTP field.
  • Label
    You cannot assign labels to channels with an Express console. How- ever, you may make labeling assignments for Express in Expression Off-Line and those assignments will remain when the show is read into an Express console. See Expression Off-Line.

channel attributes.png

Editing in the Channel Attributes display

Channels not patched to fixtures may be fully edited in the Channel Attributes display.26 Use [Thru], [And] and [Except] if you wish to select multiple channels.

Independent channels

A channel is normally controlled by the Grandmaster, Flash, Release, Solo, and Blackout functions but can be made independent of them.27 Use the procedure below to make one channel or a range of channels independent.

Keystrokes: Action:
1. Press [Setup] Selects Setup menu
2. Press [1][1] [Enter]. Selects Channel Attributes display
3. Enter channel number(s) Selects channel(s)
4. Press [S1], Independent Prompt reads:
Enable/disable independent channel(s) (1 = Enable, 0 = Disable) (Channels in ML fixture patch cannot be edited except label)
5. Press [1] [Enter]. Each selected channel is set as independen

Flipped channels

Two lights can be made to work in opposite directions if the output of one of them is flipped. For example, if a flipped conventional light and a normal conventional light both are recorded to a submaster, one will brighten and the other darken as the submaster slider is moved. Use the procedure below to flip one channel or a range of channels.

Keystrokes: Action:
1. Press [Setup] Selects Setup menu.
2. Press [1][1] [Enter] Selects Channel Attributes display.
3. Enter channel number(s) Selects channel(s)
4. Press [S2], Flip. Prompt reads:
Enable/disable flipped channel(s) (1 = Enable, 0 = Disable) (Channels in ML fixture patch cannot be edited except label)
5. Press [1] [Enter] Each selected channel is set as flipped.

26Use the Expression Personality Editor to edit fixture attributes.
27See Captured channels, for information about releasing channels on stage when they’re independent.

Channel data type

Channels normally contain 8-bit data but may be enabled to contain 16-bit data. Enabling for 16-bit data always involves the next channel in order as well. The enabled channel is called the “HI” channel because it holds the high-order bits of the 16-bit data. The subsequent channel is called the “LO” channel because it holds the low-order bits. Either may be reassigned to 8-bit data, but when you do that, both channels of a 16-bit pair are reassigned at once. Use the procedure below to enable one channel or a range of channels for 16-bit data.

Keystrokes: Action:
1. Press [Setup]. Selects Setup menu.
2. Press [1][1] [Enter]. Selects Channel Attributes display.
3. Enter channel number(s) Selects channel(s)
4. Press [S3], 16b. Prompt reads:
Enable/Disable 16 bit channel(s) (1=Enable, 0=Disable)
(Channels in ML fixture patch cannot be edited except label)
5. Press [1] [Enter]. Each selected channel is set for 16-bit use

Channel convention

Channels normally operated in HTP mode but may be enabled to operate in LTP mode.28 Use the procedure below to enable one channel or a range of channels for LTP mode.

Keystrokes: Action:
1. Press [Setup] Selects Setup menu.
2. Press [1][1] [Enter]. Selects Channel Attributes display.
3. Enter channel number(s). Selects channel(s)
4. Press [S6], LTP Prompt reads:
Enable/Disable “last takes precedence” channel(s) (1=LTP, 0= Normal)
(Channels in ML fixture patch cannot be edited except label)
5. Press [1] [Enter]. Each selected channel is set as LTP

28 See Output level conventions, for a comparative discussion of HTP and LTP channels.

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