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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

No dmx output from a Hoglet


A Hoglet is not sending out DMX when connected to Hog 4 PC or a Console.

Description/Explanation of Issue

A Hoglet might not be sending out DMX because the Widget in the Hoglet is not mapped to DMX universes.

If on Hog 4 PC, then the firewall or 3rd party antivirus software being on can cause the widget not to output.


If on a Hog 4 console, then connect the Hoglet and Map the widget

Map a widget, ETCnomad key, or ETC Gadget II in Hog 4 OS

If on Hog 4 PC:

  1.  Turn off all 3rd party antivirus software and Windows Firewall
  2.  Restart the computer
  3. Map the widget using the steps above
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