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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Configure ArtNet output in Hog 4 OS

Note-Icon.png Note that this article was updated for the October 2020 3.14.0 software update of the console. Many steps have changed, consider updating console software if it is not up to date.


How to configure Art-Net output in Hog 4 OS to communicate with an Art-Net node or a fixture that takes Art-Net directly.

Steps to Solution

  1.  Patch the fixtures
  2.  Open the Control Panel
    1.  [Setup] (Control Pnl)
  3. Navigate to the FixtureNet tab
  4. Change the IP address to be in the same range as the Art-Net node and the subnet mask to be the same as the Art-Net node
  5. Example:
    Art-Net node's IP = Subnet =
    FixtureNet IP = Subnet =

    Do not have the FixtureNet IP address and HogNet IP address in the same IP address range.

  6. Open the Network window
  7. Select the processor that will be outputting ArtNet
  8. Click on (Settings) in the Network Window
  9. Click on Output tab (Note that if this tab is not present it is highly advised to update your software)
  10. Select Add mapping, Select the starting and ending universe.
  11. Change the Subnet and Univ to match the ArtNet node's subnet and universe settings
    If the node does not give subnet and universe numbers like the Elation Enode 4, then look in the Tips & Tricks section.
  12. Hit (Apply)




If there is a yellow triangle warning in the license priorty columns, then the internal widget or ETCnomad  license that allows for output is not detected

Related Links/References

Tips & Tricks

  • Make sure that the HogNet IP range is not the FixtureNet IP range
  • Do not combine HogNet and Art-Net within the same network
  • Do not use the same switch for HogNet and Art-Net
  • If the node does not have a subnet but instead gives a primary or principle universe number, you will need to convert that into Subnet and Universe.
    • Example: If the node's principle universe range is 1 > 256


  • Principle Universe Subnet Universe
    1 0 0
    2 0 1
    16 0 15
    17 1 0
    256 15 15
  • Example: If the node's principle universe range is 0 > 255

    Principle Universe Subnet Universe
    0 0 0
    1 0 1
    15 0 15
    16 1 0
    17 1 1
    255 15


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