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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Hog 4 console does not output ArtNet

Note-Icon.png Note that this article was updated for the October 2020 3.14.0 software update of the console. Many steps have changed, consider updating console software if it is not up to date.


There is no ArtNet output from the Hog 4 console

Description/Explanation of Issue

  1. ArtNet outputs are not setup correctly
  2. The FixtureNet IP address is not in the same range as the ArtNet node's IP address
  3. FixtureNet IP address is not in the proper range or is in the same range as the HogNet IP address
  4. The DP 8000 is offline
  5. (Hog 4 PC) Widgets not mapped


Each fix/solution corresponds to an explanation above 

  1. In the processor settings, make sure the proper ArtNet universe and subnets are being used according to the node.
    Support Article: How to configure ArtNet output in Hog 4 OS
    1. Open the network window
    2. Click on the processor the fixtures are patched to
    3. Click on Settings
    4. Go to output tab 
    5. Ensure that the ArtNet Universes and subnets mappings match the ArtNet node's information
  2. The FixtureNet IP address is not in the same range as the ArtNet node's IP address
    1. To change the FixtureNet IP address
      1. Open the Control Panel window
      2. Go to the FixtureNet settings and change the IP address to be out of the HogNet  IP address range if needed
  3. The FixtureNet IP and HogNet IP need to be in separate IP address ranges
    1. To check FixtureNet IP address
      1. Open the Control Panel window
      2. Go to the FixtureNet settings and change the IP address to be out of the HogNet  IP address range if needed
    2. To check HogNet IP address
      1. Open Control Panel
      2. Click on HogNet
      3.  Change the HogNet IP if needed
    3. If IP addresses changed, log off the show and launch the show again
  4. In the network window, check to see if the processor is OFFLINE
    1. If using the internal processor
      1. Log off the console
      2. Open control panel
      3. Open Startup tab
      4. Check Run processor box
    2. If using external  processor, it might read as idle or offline
      1. If reading as idle, make sure fixtures are patched to the external processor
      2. Make sure the console and processor are still communicating
      3. Reboot the processor
  5. ( Hog 4 PC) Widgets not mapped (Note: This is no longer required as of 3.14.0)

    1. Open the Network window with [Setup](Network)

    2. Right click on DMX processor and press settings

    3. Open the DMX Widgets Tab

    4. Make sure that a Hog 4 DMX Widget(s) are mapped for the amount of universes needed. 

If the above steps do not work, ensure that the desk is outputting ArtNet using a program like DMX Workshop to view the ArtNet values coming out of the console. If the software confirms that the console is outputting ArtNet, then the settings between the ArtNet node and the console are not correct.


he settings between the ArtNet node and the console are not correct.

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