DP 8000 is not connecting to Hog 4 PC running in Parallels
Using Parallels with macOS or Mac OS X or using Bootcamp on Apple Computers can have issues with Hog 4 PC. Using Parallels or Bootcamp to run Hog 4 PC is not supported by High End Systems.
The DP 8000 cannot find a show when Hog 4 PC is running on a virtual machine with the Parallels app.
Description/Explanation of Issue
The issue can occur when Parallels is not sending the signal in/out correctly or HogNet is not set to the proper network adapter.
- Set the Ethernet IP address in macOS or Mac OSX to be in the same HogNet range that you need
- Open Parallels preferences
- Set the IP address range in Shared to include the IP address that you want HogNet to be.
If you want HogNet to be172.31.0.1
, then the range should be172.31.0.1
.According to Parallels, there needs to be at least 16 IP addresses it can set.
- Open Hog 4 PC and click on Control Panel before launching the show
- Navigate to the HogNet tab
- Make sure the Network Adapter is set to the proper device
- Set the IP address as needed
- If static, then set to be an IP address that is in the range set in step 3
- Click OK
- Launch the show. Assuming that the DP 8000's HogNet is set correctly, then the DP 8000 should find the shoe.