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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

OSC control of buttons, faders, and encoders in Hog 4 PC are not working


OSC control over Hog 4 PC's encoders, programming and playback buttons, and faders are not working.

Description/Explanation of Issue

The issue could be caused by the following:

  1. The OSC settings are not correct
  2. Hog Hardware or an unlocked ETCnomad key is not mapped
  3. The firewall on the computer is not turned off


  1. OSC needs to be setup correctly. On the console, this is done in the Network Window.
    How to access the OSC settings
    1. Open the network window
      [ Setup ] ( Network )
    2. Open the Console Settings
      Tap on Settings
    3. Navigate to Open Sound Control
    4. Type in the proper IP Addresses and Port Numbers
    5. Hit (OK)
  2. The computer's firewall could be blocking communication to and from the device using OSC

Prior to v3.14

In order to use OSC to control encoders, programming and playback buttons, and faders, Hog 4 hardware or an unlocked ETCnomad key must be mapped.

  • Hog 4 Hardware can include but is not limited to, Hoglet, Nano Hog, Playback Wing
  • Hog 4 Widgets will not unlock OSC control of encoders, faders, programming, and playback buttons


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