Updating Eos ETCnomad Software on Windows or macOS
The steps below will walk you through how to update Eos Family Software on Windows or macOS.
- Save your currently active show file
- Download the latest version of software from etcconnect.com/eos-software
- Select "Eos Family Software VX.X.X For PC"
- Navigate to the newly downloaded "ETC_EosFamily_vX.X.X.X.zip" and expand it to find "ETC_EosFamily_vX.X.X.X.exe"
- Double-click on "ETC_EosFamily_vX.X.X.X.exe" and follow the prompts in the installer
- When the installer completes, restart your computer
Only Eos v2.9.0 and higher are supported by MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) and higher.
- Save your currently active show file
- Download the latest version of software from etcconnect.com/eos-software
- Select "ETCnomad Mac VX.X.X"
- Navigate to the newly downloaded "ETCnomad Eos Mac X.X.X.X.zip" and expand it
- macOS may automatically expand that file to "ETCnomad Eos Mac X.X.X.X.pkg"
- Double-click on "ETCnomad Eos Mac X.X.X.X.pkg" and follow the prompts in the installer
- This process will require an administrator password