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Electronic Theatre Controls Inc

Updating Eos ETCnomad Software on Windows or macOS


The steps below will walk you through how to update Eos Family Software on Windows or macOS.


  1. Save your currently active show file
  2. Download the latest version of software from
    1. Select "Eos Family Software VX.X.X For PC"
  3. Navigate to the newly downloaded "" and expand it to find "ETC_EosFamily_vX.X.X.X.exe"
  4. Double-click on "ETC_EosFamily_vX.X.X.X.exe" and follow the prompts in the installer
  5. When the installer completes, restart your computer




Only Eos v2.9.0 and higher are supported by MacOS 10.15 (Catalina) and higher. 

  1. Save your currently active show file
  2. Download the latest version of software from
    1. Select "ETCnomad Mac VX.X.X"
  3. Navigate to the newly downloaded "ETCnomad Eos Mac" and expand it
    1. macOS may automatically expand that file to "ETCnomad Eos Mac X.X.X.X.pkg"
  4. Double-click on "ETCnomad Eos Mac X.X.X.X.pkg" and follow the prompts in the installer
    1. This process will require an administrator password
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