Installed New Fixture Library and Lost Fixture Library, Lost Software, or Console Crashed
Fixture library patches can only be run on the software version they are created for. For example, you need to be running software version 2.7.0 to use fixture library patch v2.7.0 Build 1 or v2.7.0 Build 2.
Note: the only time you will see differing versions between software and fixture library would be when you have Eos-Family software installed and have not updated from the 'base' fixture library of that version. Software is often released with the last fixture library patch from the previous software version, as there is no need for a new patch at the time.
By way of example, Eos Family Software v2.7.4 has a 'base' fixture library version of
If you attempt to install an incompatible fixture library patch, such as v2.7.4 Build 3 on software v2.7.0, a variety of reactions could occur, including:
- You lose your fixture library completely
- You lose your software, becoming unable to launch into Primary/Client/Backup/Offline/Mirror from the Welcome Screen
- Your console crashes
Not sure how to find what software version you are running?: Finding the Software Version on an Eos Family Console
This can be fixed by installing the correct software version and then re-installing the library patch: Updating Software on an Eos Family Console or Net3 RVI